Peer Pressure.

Yesturday my class and I went to go see Harold and we learnt more about peer pressure. Sometimes peer pressuring is good but then sometimes it can be bad, we also watched a short video about what peer pressuring was.  why could peer pressuring could be good or bad? The bad outcome afterwards some wouldn’t like, because it’s either getting told off or more. The good outcome though it nothing could happen, as long as it’s something kind then yeah you wouldn’t get told off.

Harold cracked some jokes here and there aswell, such as ‘What’s a line of barbies?’ ‘A barbie-que’ get it? Like a big line and what not.

and what could happen afterwards. Like once I asked this person to go get my chromebook and my tote tray because I wasn’t bothered, later on we found out that it was peer pressuring. I did end up getting told off, so from now on I’m not gonna ask someone to do something for me without me saying ‘Please’ at the end of my sentence.

Then one time I got peer pressured to buy someone lollies after school because I had some money, sadly I brought them a lollie. When I got peer pressured I didn’t really mind because I had kinda a lot of money, but when I peer pressured someone I just ended up getting told off. 

Have you ever been peer pressured ??

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